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Ballen Dashboard

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Ballen Dashboard
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What's Ballen Dashboard

Ballen Dashboard is a web application which utilises web scraping and artificial intelligence to provide a huge collection of horror stories for employees to create projects from. We also featured an ai training model which functioned via categorisation of articles. The employees can access these articles via a queue and then check the categorisation to tweak how the model categorises data.


My role within building this dashboard was to create the frontend using Material-UI and the backend using Node.js and Express.js. I had to integrate my Express api to communicate with a Django python API which collected masses of horror stories.


Ballen Dashboard was successfully created to a high standard and met the client requirements. The website is engaging and provides a seamless user experience. The website is built using Material-UI, Node.js, and Express.js. I successfully learnt how to integrate a Django python API to communicate with my Express API. Also, I gained complex insight into Mui Materials component library due to the complex nature of the design featuring a multitude of complex forms such as autocompletes and file pickers. I build an AI trainer system which allowed users to categorise articles successfully and currently thousands of articles have been reviewed for our model.