Arma Karma Marketing is Arma Karams front facing marketing website. The goal of the website is to provide information about the company and the services they provide. The website is built using TinaCMS which is a headless CMS that allows for the easy editing of the website.
Utilising TinaCMS I was able to build a website that allows for easy editing of the content. This allows the client to easily update the website without needing to know how to code. Tina is built upon Next.js which allows for a fast and responsive website. The website is hosted on Vercel which allows for easy deployment and scaling.
Overall the website is a success. The client is happy with the website and is able to easily update the content. The website is fast and responsive and is hosted on a reliable platform. I learnt how to utilise headless CMSs and how to build a website that is easy to update for clients. I also broadened my understanding of SEO principles from creating this project.